Monday, July 6, 2009

Riding the Bike - Outside!

For the first time in six weeks, I rode the cross bike last night, out to the Milwaukee Athletic Center on Ryan Road and back.

I took off the current stem and used a shorter, straight up stem to alleviate some of the pressure on the shoulder. I still had to take my left hand off the bars to reduce the pressure, but damn, it felt good to be out on a beautiful evening.

This morning, I rode out to PT, where PT Kim thought I was crazy for riding outside, then to the gym. I'm learning not to lift and ride hard on the same day!

Tomorrow, I'll ride a couple of hours if I can, in between class and the shop.

It's good to be riding outside again!


  1. Congrats Chili!!
    Please don't over do. It's easy to get excited and have to recoup for a couple of days. Work into nice and easy bro.

  2. Just be careful!!!!!!
